Spiritual Gifts Q & A | COTH Blog | Church on the Hill

Spiritual Gifts Q & A

July 12, 2024 | Jeff Coleman

The Church is made up of all kinds of people with unique gifts and skills that God wants to use for His kingdom. The Holy Spirit plays an important role in that for each person. When we come together with our gifts, we are the church!

During our Holy Spirit sermon series, we did a Q&A during the service where folks could text in their questions about spiritual gifts, and we would attempt to answer them. We were unable to answer every question in the course of the service. As a result, here are some of those questions answered in this blog.

1.     How can you tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and the devil whispering to misdirect you?

Excellent question! The Holy Spirit will always align with Scripture and the character of God, promoting truth, love, peace, holiness, and the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Satan’s whispers often lead to confusion, worry, anger, fear, mistrust, and actions that are contrary to God’s Word (John 8:44). In other words, he’s a liar and can’t speak truth. Testing the spirits against Scripture (1 John 4:1) and seeking godly counsel can help discern the source of the guidance. Additionally, seek wise counsel from more mature believers as you discern the voice of the enemy from that of God.

2.     How can you trust that you are led by the Holy Spirit and not your own thoughts?

This question is like the one above. The Holy Spirit’s leading is often accompanied by peace, clarity, and alignment with Scripture (Philippians 4:7). Regular prayer, immersion in Scripture, and seeking the wisdom of mature Christians can help differentiate between the Spirit’s guidance and our own personal thoughts. Remember this: proximity promotes clarity. The closer you are to God, the greater the ability to hear and recognize the voice of the Father from your own thoughts.

3.     How do I know for sure that it is the Holy Spirit guiding me?

Confidence in the Spirit's guidance comes through a consistent relationship with God; engaging in the regular rhythms that promote union with God are essential. Thus, we pray, read Scripture, worship, fast, serve alongside others, worship (privately AND corporately) and do life in community rather than being isolated and on our own (Proverbs 3:5-6, John 16:13).

4.     How do you know the Holy Spirit is really working in our lives?

The evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work includes the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), growth in Christ-like character, and the empowerment to serve and witness (Acts 1:8).

5.     What’s the difference between a spiritual gift and a trait/something you’ve learned or been taught?

A spiritual gift is a God-given ability specifically for building up the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:4-7). Traits and learned skills can be natural abilities or acquired knowledge, but when surrendered to God, they can also be used to serve His purposes.

6.     When was the Holy Spirit first mentioned in the Bible, Old or New Testament?

The Holy Spirit is first mentioned in Genesis 1:2 in the Old Testament, indicating His presence and activity from the beginning of creation. The word for spirit in Hebrew (ruach) is the same word for wind or breath. In the New Testament Greek (pneuma) is the word for spirit, which is also the word for wind or breath. Thus, the Holy Spirit is the breath or wind of God that fills our lives with meaning, purpose, and power.

7.     Regarding the gift of discerning of Spirits, what types of spirits are supposed to be discerned and how can this gift of discernment help the Body mature?

This gift helps distinguish between the Holy Spirit, demonic spirits, and human spirits (1 John 4:1-3). It protects the church from deception and guides believers in truth, fostering spiritual growth and maturity.

8.     How often do you recommend assessing spiritual gifts, since they can change as you grow and mature spiritually?

Through regular reflection and prayerful assessment, we would recommend perhaps annually or during significant spiritual growth phases. Doing so can help you stay attuned to how God is working through you (2 Timothy 1:6).

9.     How do I know where to use my gifts?

Your gifts should be used where there is a need in the church and community, and where you feel a sense of calling, passion, and potential effectiveness (1 Peter 4:10-11).

10. Ultimately, aren’t all gifts AND talents God-given?

Yes, all good gifts and talents come from God (James 1:17). While spiritual gifts are specifically for edifying the church, natural talents can also be used for God’s glory.

11. Theologians since the Apostles' time believe spiritual gifts ended with them. Are you saying gifts are inherent and revealed through the outpouring of the Spirit?

The Wesleyan-Methodist tradition generally believes that spiritual gifts continue today, given by the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). We, here at COTH, believe that all the gifts mentioned in the Scripture are currently still in effect, being given, and used in the life of the Church. 

12. Where can people learn their spiritual gifts? Any websites?

Yes! Please use ours. Click here to take the spiritual gifts test. Once you set up your account and scroll down to submit your information you will be given access to the take the spiritual gifts test.

13. What IS a spiritual gift?

A spiritual gift is a special ability given by the Holy Spirit to each believer for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:4-7).

14. How have you experienced the Gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Corinthians active in your ministry?

Through teaching, pastoral care, discernment, and other gifts, we’ve seen the Holy Spirit’s work in guiding people, comforting others, giving to those in need, teaching people, and equipping the church for effective ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).

15. What’s the difference between gifts and talents?

Talents are natural abilities, while spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of serving and building up the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:4-7). People are often born with natural talents while spiritual gifts are given AFTER (and not before) one comes to faith in Christ. 

16. How do I empower my prodigal to listen to God?

Pray fervently, live out your faith authentically, and provide loving guidance and encouragement (Luke 15:11-32). Don’t judge them for bad decision making, but rather love them and always receive them without hesitation or reservation (Luke 15:22-24)

17. What does it mean to edify as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 14:4-5, which says, “Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church.”

To edify means to build up. In this context, prophecy is preferred because it builds up the whole church, while speaking in tongues primarily builds up the individual unless interpreted.

18. How do I share my gift of visions? I have seen angels and the golden gates. Should I share these visions?

First discern whether these visions are for a single person, a group of people, or some other configuration. Share your visions with discernment and great humility, ensuring they align with Scripture and please, seek the counsel of wise and mature believers (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21) before you do so.

19. Does the Spirit give gifts as they are needed or as the need arises?

Yes, the Holy Spirit distributes gifts according to the needs of the church and as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:11).

20. How often should I revisit what my spiritual gifts are?

We would say it depends on how your spiritual growth is progressing, which we assume you are growing and deepening your walk with God. If so (and we pray it is), then do so regularly, especially during times of spiritual growth or when new ministry opportunities arise (2 Timothy 1:6).

21. Our special gifts grow as we grow spiritually, and we usually have more than one skill. How will you know when your skill is useful?

Your gifts and skills will often be confirmed by the fruit they produce and the affirmation of others in the Body of Christ (Matthew 7:16-20). So, listen to and for what others are saying.

22. Can you get a spiritual gift without the Holy Spirit?

No, spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to believers (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

23. Would intuition be a spiritual gift?

Good question. Intuition itself is not listed as a spiritual gift, but the Holy Spirit can certainly work through our intuition to guide and direct us. Discernment and/or wisdom might be the closest spiritual gifts to something like our own intuition.

24. Can you go more into the differences between gifting and anointing?

Gifting refers to specific abilities given by the Holy Spirit, while anointing is the empowerment and presence of the Holy Spirit upon a person for a particular purpose or task (Luke 4:18). We believe they often work in tandem with one another.

25. Does ego crush spiritual gifts and does God ever remove a gift?

Ego can hinder the effectiveness of spiritual gifts, but God’s gifts are given by grace. Repentance and humility can restore their proper use (1 Peter 5:5-6).

26. When we gave our hearts to Jesus and God is Trinity, we have the Holy Spirit. It seemed that there was a baptism or release of the supernatural gifts. What do we believe?

Christians receive the Holy Spirit at conversion (Ephesians 1:13-14). As Wesleyan-Methodists, we believe (and hope) God can (and will) provide a subsequent experience of being filled with the Spirit, which can empower believers for service (Acts 2:4). In fact, not only do we believe in a “second work” of grace, but we believe in a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., etc.

27. Do you lose a spiritual gift if you don't use it?

We’re not 100% sure, but we think spiritual gifts may become dormant if they are not exercised, but they can be rekindled through prayer and practice (2 Timothy 1:6).

28. How does someone know if they can interpret tongues?

Those with the gift of interpretation will often sense a clear understanding of what is being spoken in another language and will thereby (probably) feel compelled to share the translation or interpretation for the encouragement of the church (1 Corinthians 14:13).

29. Speaking in tongues, I’ve been told that this gift happens only in front of people who can interpret it.

If it occurs in public worship, speaking in tongues should ALWAYS be accompanied by interpretation to edify the church. In private prayer, it is for personal edification (1 Corinthians 14:27-28) and no translator would be necessary as you are communicating directly with God.

30. How do you truly know if you have the Holy Spirit?

Assurance comes from faith in Christ, the witness of the Spirit within, and the evidence of the Spirit’s work in your life (Romans 8:16, Galatians 5:22-23). In other words, look at your character. Are you more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, faithful, and self-controlled (only to name a few)? You will know a tree by its fruit (Matthew 7:16 & 20)

31. How do you use the gift of prophecy practically?

Prophecy isn’t necessarily the act of predicting the future. It is, however, speaking on behalf of God to others. Whatever God lays on your heart to share it should be done so in love, humility, and in accordance with Scripture, seeking to build up and encourage others (1 Corinthians 14:3).

32. What should I do when I grow weary and feel inadequate in the use of my spiritual gifts?

Seek rest in God’s presence, pray for strength, and remember that God’s power is made perfect in weakness (Matthew 11:28-30, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Hang in there. God is with you and for you!

33. What is your belief in the “sign gifts?”

Most Wesleyan-Methodists believe that sign gifts, such as healing and miracles, continue today, given by the Holy Spirit to attest to the gospel and build up the church (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). We at COTH believe all the gifts listed in the Bible are still in effect and being given and used in the church of Jesus Christ today.

34. Should spiritual gifts be taken into consideration when deciding on a career?

Yes . . . why not? Understanding your spiritual gifts can help guide you towards vocations where you can best serve God and others (Colossians 3:23-24).

35. How should a Christian respond when praised for exercising their Spiritual Gifts?

We should always respond with humility, giving glory to God, and recognizing that the gifts are from Him (1 Peter 4:10-11). In other words, say, “Thank you. All glory to God.”

Still have questions? Shoot me an and ask your question. 
