Care | Church on the Hill

Care Ministries

There are a number of areas for you to both serve and be served. We provide visitation and support to those who are hospitalized or shut-in, support groups for those who are grieving, and opportunities to give back by helping others who are in need.

Professional counseling services are available on campus through the The Summit Counseling Center

Our Prayer Request form is simple and quick to complete, requiring just a few moments depending on the level of detail you choose to provide. We ask for your name, email, and your preference regarding confidentiality. If marked confidential, your request will be shared exclusively with our pastors. Otherwise, it will be sent to both our pastors and prayer team, allowing more people to join in prayer on your behalf.

Prayer Request

We make prayer quilts available to those who are going through a serious health matter.  Prayer knots are tied on the quilt and personal prayers are sent up to our great Healer, Counselor, and Savior Jesus Christ that His peace, healing and strength wash over the recipient of the quilt. It is our prayer that those receiving the quilt will know that they are loved, cared for and prayed for by a family of faith.  Many who have received a quilt have said they felt a peace wash over them and the quilt gives them comfort and strength.

To request a quilt, email and provide the name of the recipient and the specific prayer need. A member of our team will be in contact within two business days to coordinate the delivery of the quilt to the recipient.

For more information email

Healing Rooms Ministry provides prayer for healing according to the example of Jesus Christ and His disciples as recorded in the Bible.  Acts 10:38: “…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”  “And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” (Matthew 10:1) 

We are followers of Jesus Christ, commissioned and empowered by Him to be His representatives on earth.  As ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), we are answering His call to release healing to the whole person through prayer.

We offer prayer for healing by trained volunteers every Monday night.  Our ministry team members belong to a broad spectrum of Bible-believing churches in the North Atlanta area.  A team of 2-3 pray for each person individually and confidentially in a private room.

  • Personal, Biblical prayer for healing by teams of trained volunteers including laying-on of hands and anointing with oil. James 5:14–15
  • We also pray over prayer requests for healing submitted by email.

If you are in need of healing, whether physical, spiritual, emotional, etc. …we encourage you to come to the Healing Rooms for ministry, expecting God to meet your need.

Church on the Hill - Chapel & Counseling Center

Mondays, 7-9 PM

No appointment required; no fee is charged.

If you are submitted to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and desire to serve in this ministry, please contact us.  Opportunities to serve include prayer ministry team member, intercessor, intercessory worship musician/psalmist, administration and helps.

For More Information:

Healing Rooms Website


There are times in our lives when we experience an emergency such as the death of a family member, a medical emergency or spiritual crisis and we look to find comfort through speaking with a pastor. In these situations, a member of our pastoral team is here for you.

To receive pastoral care, in the event of an emergency requiring immediate attention, call our pastoral care line and a pastor will return your call as quickly as possible. 

(770) 945-2845, press option 1

For non-emergency matters, not requiring immediate attention, you can email  with your contact information and a brief description of the concern and a member of our pastoral team will be in contact by the end of the next business day. 

All matters may be treated as confidential. 






Since 1990, The Summit Counseling Center has brought hope and healing to people in need at every stage of life, providing a wide range of specialty services for individuals, couples, and families. The Summit provides professional counseling, psychological services, school-based mental health and community education services utilizing an integrated approach to care – Body, Mind, Spirit, and Relationships.

To learn more about our services and the therapists that serve our Church on the Hill location, review The Summit Counseling Center Brochure or visit

To schedule an appointment call (678) 893-5300 or

online at Schedule an Appointment - The Summit Counseling Center



To learn more about our Care Ministries, email Care On the Hill.