The Neglected Power: Understanding the Holy Spirit's Role | COTH Blog | Church on the Hill

The Neglected Power: Understanding the Holy Spirit's Role

May 21, 2024 | Jeff Coleman

The quote I’ve been using for our church’s current teaching series about the Holy Spirit is from Francis Chan. He said, “If I were Satan and my ultimate goal was to thwart God’s kingdom and purposes, one of my main strategies would be to get churchgoers to ignore the Holy Spirit.

Why do so many Christians ignore or neglect the person of the Holy Spirit in their personal lives?

The obvious answer is that they haven’t been taught about the Spirit and that failure is on us as the leaders of God’s church.

Secondarily, I think it’s easy to focus on God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son, but then neglect third person of the Trinity. Yet, the Holy Spirit is integral to our daily walk with God, providing guidance, comfort, and empowerment.

Today, let’s look at why the Spirit is often overlooked and how rediscovering His role can affect our spiritual lives.

In John 14:16-17, Jesus promises, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.”

The Holy Spirit is our advocate – or helper – yet many Christians struggle to recognize His presence and work in their lives. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. An Over-emphasis on Logic and Rationality

    In an age of scientific reasoning and evidence-based belief, the intangible nature of the Holy Spirit can be challenging to grasp. Unlike Jesus, who walked the earth in physical form, the Holy Spirit operates in the unseen realms of hearts and minds, which requires faith to perceive His work.

  2. Lack of Teaching

    Like I mentioned, many churches focus on the Father and the Son, sometimes providing insufficient teaching about the Holy Spirit. Without a solid understanding of the Spirit’s role, believers may not know how to seek or recognize His influence in their lives.

  3. Fear of the Unknown

    The work of the Holy Spirit can sometimes seem mysterious, unpredictable, or even weird. This can be intimidating, causing some to shy away from seeking a deeper relationship with Him.

Remember, in this series we’re trying to replace the weird factor with a wow factor. Consequently, here are some practical ways to engage with the Holy Spirit more fully.

  1. Seek Guidance and Wisdom
    The Holy Spirit is our guide, providing wisdom and understanding for life. James 1:5 tells us, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in decisions big and small, trusting in God’s wisdom to work within you.
  2. Cultivate Your Spiritual Gifts
    The Holy Spirit bestows spiritual gifts for the building up of God’s Church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Identify and cultivate your spiritual gifts by serving in your community and church (we’ll talk more about this in the days ahead). By discovering your spiritual gifts, you not only help others, but you’ll also allow the Holy Spirit to work through you. As a result, your own sense of purpose, calling, and fulfillment increases!
  3. Embrace the Fruit of the Spirit
    In relationship to spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit, Pastor Brian recently said, “Gifts are given, fruit is grown.” Galatians 5:22-23 outlines the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As you reflect on these qualities ask the Holy Spirit to grow more of them in your life. This transformation not only benefits you but also those around you, thereby demonstrating the Spirit’s work through your actions.
  4. Experience Comfort and Conviction
    The Holy Spirit will comfort (John 14:26) us and convict us (John 16:8). In times of trouble, lean on the Spirit of God for comfort and peace. When you sin, don’t run from God, but rather, run back to God who is ready to receive you with open arms and back onto a path of righteousness. This dynamic relationship helps maintain a vibrant and growing faith.

By neglecting the Holy Spirit, we miss out on the full experience of God’s presence and power in our lives. When we try to understand and engage with the Holy Spirit, what do we experience?

  • Deeper Intimacy with God: Recognizing the Holy Spirit’s presence fosters a more intimate relationship with God, as we become more attuned to His voice and direction.
  • Empowerment for Service: The Holy Spirit equips us for service, enabling us to fulfill God’s purposes with greater effectiveness and joy.
  • Personal Transformation: The transformative work of the Holy Spirit brings about personal growth and spiritual maturity, helping us become more like Jesus.

Sadly, the Holy Spirit is an often-neglected part of our faith, but it doesn’t have to be – or stay – this way. I’ll give Jesus the next-to-last word, “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” – Luke 11:13. Perhaps we can reverse the neglect by doing what Jesus said.

So, what’s stopping you from asking?  Come, Holy Spirit!

Thanks for reading,

Jeff Coleman
Senior Pastor
