The More of Less | Church on the Hill

When is enough, enough?

We spend so much of our time chasing after careers, people, or possessions that never fully satisfy us in the end. Our society encourages us to accumulate. To chase after more possessions, more wealth, more distractions, and more success. We find ourselves lost in a sea of excess, disconnected from the true source of joy and contentment.

Join us as we explore a counter-cultural truth: True abundance and contentment comes not from having more, but from embracing less. Through this series, we will explore how we can experience more happiness, more freedom, more presence, more health, and more faith by choosing the path of intentional simplicity.


Join us this week as we begin our series "The More of Less" with the topic "Less Stuff, More Happiness." Discover the truth that happiness isn't tied to the accumulation of possessions. Society often tells us that more is better, but true contentment comes from embracing simplicity and focusing on what truly matters. Learn how reducing the clutter in our lives can lead to greater joy and satisfaction in Christ.


In the second week of our series, we explore "Less Debt, More Freedom." Debt can ensnare us in a cycle of stress and financial burden, hindering our ability to live freely and joyfully. Discover how adopting principles of financial simplicity and stewardship can liberate us from debt and lead to a life of greater freedom and peace. 


This week, we focus on "Less Distraction, More Presence." The constant noise of modern life can drown out the still, small voice of God. By eliminating distractions, we can be more present with God and others, deepening our relationships and our spiritual walk. Join us as we explore how a simpler, quieter life can help us hear God more clearly and be fully present in each moment.


Join us for "Less Junk, More Health" as we examine how our physical and spiritual well-being are intertwined. Our modern lifestyles often fill us with unhealthy food, habits, and thoughts, which can negatively impact our overall health. Discover how making healthier choices in what we consume and how we live can lead to better physical health and a stronger, more vibrant spiritual life.


In our final week, we address "Less Worry, More Faith." Anxiety often stems from placing our trust in worldly uncertainties. Join us as we explore how to shift our trust from the unstable things of this world to the unshakeable foundation of faith in God. Learn how to cultivate a deeper faith that can calm our anxieties and bring peace, even in the midst of life's storms.

Join us at Church on the Hill to explore finding contentment in Christ.

Join in The Minimalist Challenge!

For thirty-five days, you are invited to participate in a daily practice to help you declutter your heart, mind, and soul, which may help you declutter your attic, garage, and closet! The goal is greater spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, and financial health.

Download our Minimalist Calendar - Digital

Download our Minimalist Calendar - Printable