Family Disciplines to Focus on during the Season of Lent
March 4, 2025 | Lyn Cantrell
After a colder than usual winter, we are beginning to see hints of spring. Jonquils are beginning to bloom, pink pear trees are budding, and it’s easy to catch sight of birds scoping out a place for their nests. The world is waking up...
Finding Peace in the Chaos- Preparing for a Meaningful Advent
November 14, 2024 | Kaylee Andrews
Advent is a season of reflection and anticipation for the birth of a savior, Jesus Christ. We get to sit with Jesus at the foot of the cross and be in peace knowing all he has done for us. Often though, this season leading up to...
Reducing Distractions for More Present Parenting
August 29, 2024 | Becca Gunyon
Explore practical tips to minimize distractions and cultivate presence in your parenting journey. Be encouraged in how you go about fostering deeper connections with your children.
Decluttering Your Home and Family's Heart
August 15, 2024 | Lynn Kercher
Decluttering your home can feel like a daunting and exhausting task. However, an organized home can reduce stress, save time and lead to a more peaceful, joyful and contented life. The clutter isn’t just in your home, it’s invaded...
Less is More: Find True Happiness in Simplicity for Your Family
July 22, 2024 | Jackie Corley
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of consumerism and the idea that more possessions equate to greater happiness. However, when it comes to building strong, joyful families, the truth often lies in embracing...