The Good Life | Church on the Hill

Our lives don't just happen to us – we build them through our decisions and our actions.

How can we live in a way that will allow us to look back on the lives we've lived and pronounce them good?
What is the true path to achieving a good life? Can we attain it through the acquisition of new possessions? Engaging in novel experiences? Gaining the admiration of a larger audience? Accomplishing remarkable feats? Accumulating greater wealth? Almost everything we do or express is grounded in the belief that we deserve a good life. 

Join us this week as we begin our series "A Good Life" with the topic "A Good Community." Who are the people you keep around you? The people in your community either build up your character or chip away at who you are trying to become. Choose carefully. Discover how surrounding yourself with the right people can shape your journey and lead to a life well-lived. Explore biblical wisdom on the importance of a supportive and uplifting community.
Start a Good Conversation

1) What community (church, sports team, group of friends, neighborhood etc.) has been the most enjoyable to be a part of? Why?

2) What qualities make a community impactful in your life? What qualities have made a community difficult to remain a part of?

3) If you don’t feel like you have a good community, what’s one practical step you can take to create one or become involved in one?
In the second week of our series, we explore "A Good Cause." What are you living for? Living a good life means being on earth for a reason. Find out how aligning your life with a meaningful purpose can bring fulfillment and direction. Delve into the Bible’s wisdom literature to understand how living for a greater cause can give your life significance and make a lasting impact.
Start a Good Conversation

1) If you had $1 million dollars you could donate to any non-profit organization, which one would you choose and why?

2) Think of a time you have volunteered to serve where you had a rewarding experience. What made it so rewarding?

3) In what ways has God uniquely gifted you to care for other people?
This week, we focus on "A Good Practice." With all the swirling demands of life, what practices keep you grounded? Choose good ones. Learn about the daily habits and disciplines that can anchor your life and promote spiritual growth. Discover practical and biblical practices that can help you stay centered and live a balanced, fruitful life.
Start a Good Conversation

1) What is one healthy way that you respond to stress?

2) What spiritual discipline (prayer, scripture reading, worship, etc.) has been most formative in your faith journey?

3) What’s one way you’d like to encounter God that you don’t experience as regularly?
Join us for "A Good Name" as we discuss the importance of reputation and character. Have you made a name for yourself? What do people think when they hear your name? Understand how a good name, built on integrity and godly living, can influence your life and legacy. Explore biblical insights on how to cultivate a name that reflects your faith and values.
Start a Good Conversation

1) What is unique about your name? Were you named after someone significant in your family or in history? Does your name have a special meaning behind it?

2) What is something in your family history that you are proud of?

3) What 2-3 attributes do you think people associate with you now? What attributes do you hope people will associate with you?

Join us for a four-week deep dive into the Bible’s “wisdom literature” as we search for a good life.