Luke: The Audacity of God | Church on the Hill

“I can’t believe this!” “Did that really just happen?” “I'm at a loss for words.” “You have some nerve!” 

Statements like these reveal the shock and awe we have when we witness someone acting or speaking in ways that appear audacious. But what happens when that person is God? What do we say and how do we respond when the person being audacious is none other than Jesus of Nazareth? 

Get ready to be shaken to the core by the audacious nature of God's plan to rescue us from darkness and set our hearts ablaze with a passion to spread His radical love. Buckle up because we're about to witness The Audacity of God!


Whose Kid is This?

At just twelve years old, Jesus astounds the teachers in the temple, calling it His Father’s house. This story invites us to reflect on how we identify with God and recognize His presence in the unexpected moments of our lives.


Radical Waters

John the Baptist calls us to a life of repentance and transformation.


Inauguration Day

Jesus begins His public ministry by proclaiming good news to the poor and freedom for the oppressed.


The Power to Walk Again

Jesus heals a paralyzed man, demonstrating both His authority to forgive sins and His compassion to restore lives.


Dinner with the Unlikely

When Jesus calls Levi, a tax collector, and dines with sinners, He redefines who belongs in God’s kingdom.


Flipping the Sabbath Script

Jesus declares Himself Lord of the Sabbath, prioritizing compassion over legalism.


Words that Heal and Raise 

With just a word, Jesus heals the centurion’s servant and raises a widow’s son.


The Aroma of Scandal

A sinful woman’s extravagant act of love—washing Jesus’ feet with her tears—draws scandalized reactions, yet Jesus forgives her sins.


Glory and Grace

On the mount of transfiguration, Jesus is revealed in divine glory, followed by a healing and a foretelling of His passion.

Join us for a deep dive into the amazing world of the Gospel of Luke as we kick off the New Year with our first teaching series.

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