5 Ways God Challenges Our Expectations in the Gospel of Luke | COTH Blog | Church on the Hill

5 Ways God Challenges Our Expectations in the Gospel of Luke

February 7, 2025 | Jeff Coleman

“I can’t believe this!” “It’s unbelievable!” “Did that really just happen?”

Chances are we’ve all had moments of shock when something upends our expectations and leaves us speechless. But what if the one acting audaciously is God Himself? What happens when Jesus steps into our world and overturns everything we thought we knew about religion, power, and grace?

The Audacity of God

In our sermon series, The Audacity of God, we’re journeying through the Gospel of Luke and we’re witnessing how Jesus’ words and actions challenge human expectations at every turn. From the temple courts to the dinner table, from the synagogue to the streets, Jesus repeatedly defies cultural, social, and religious norms to reveal deeper truths about how we are designed to live a life of faith.

Here are five key moments from Luke’s Gospel that highlight God’s audacity—and what they mean for us today.

1. A Twelve-Year-Old with Scholars (Luke 2:41-52)

Jesus' first recorded words in Scripture don’t come from the mouth of a mighty preacher or a miracle worker, but from a twelve-year-old boy in the temple, listening to and asking questions of the teachers. He isn’t teaching but rather demonstrating his love for being in the place that typified the center of the Jewish world – His Father’s House (aka: the Temple).

As a result, the religious scholars are amazed. At an age when most Jewish boys were still learning, Jesus was already revealing divine wisdom. His response to Mary and Joseph—"Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” — wasn’t arrogance or parental disrespect, but was a glimpse into His true identity.

How This Challenges Us: We often assume spiritual maturity is tied to age or status. Jesus shows us, however, that God's wisdom isn’t limited by human expectations. Sometimes, the most profound insights come from unexpected places. Are we willing to listen when God speaks through those we least expect?

Action Step: Be open to learning from unexpected voices. Whether it’s a child, a new believer, or someone outside your comfort zone, ask: What might God be teaching me through them?

2. The Messiah Lines Up for Baptism (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)

John the Baptist was calling sinners to repentance through baptism, yet Jesus—the sinless Son of God—stepped into that same water. Why? Because Jesus wasn’t above humanity; He was fully immersed in it. His baptism wasn’t about repentance but about identifying with us, showing that He had come to stand in our place.

How This Challenges Us: We often want leadership without humility. Jesus, the King of Kings, modeled a different way. He didn’t separate Himself from broken people—He stood with them.

Action Step: Examine where pride might be keeping you from serving others. How can you humble yourself this week to walk alongside someone in need?

3. From Hometown Hero to Hometown Outcast (Luke 4:14-30)

When Jesus returned to Nazareth and read from Isaiah about bringing good news to the poor, the people were thrilled—until He pointed out that God’s blessings were not just for them, but also for outsiders. In fact, God was coming to bless the outsiders before them. Their response? Rage. They tried to throw Him off a cliff!

How This Challenges Us: We love when God’s blessings apply to us, but struggle when He extends them to those, we think are undeserving. Jesus’ message was clear: God’s love and grace are bigger than our boundaries.

Action Step: Reflect on any biases you might hold about who “deserves” the mercy and love of God. Ask God to expand your heart to love beyond your comfort zone.

4. Touching the Untouchable (Luke 5:12-16)

Lepers were the ultimate outcasts, considered both physically and spiritually unclean. When a leprous man fell before Jesus, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean,” Jesus did did the unthinkable—He touched him! Jesus could have healed him with a word, but He chose to break social and religious barriers by reaching out.

How This Challenges Us: We often keep a safe distance from the messy, broken parts of the world. Jesus, on the other hand, stepped toward those our society ignores. He didn't just offer healing—He offered belonging.

Action Step: Reach out to someone who feels overlooked. Whether it’s a neighbor, coworker, or someone sitting alone at church, extend kindness that reminds them they are seen, known, and loved.

5. Forgiveness Over Fury (Luke 5:17-26)

A paralyzed man was lowered through a roof, desperate for healing. But instead of immediately curing him, Jesus first said, “Your sins are forgiven.” The religious leaders were furious—who was this man to claim such authority? Yet Jesus revealed that the deepest healing we need isn’t physical, but spiritual.

How This Challenges Us: We focus so much on fixing external problems that we forget our biggest need—God’s merciful grace. Jesus reminds us that while our personal struggles are real, our deepest restoration comes through His forgiveness.

Action Step: Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal any area where you need His forgiveness. Extend that same mercy and grace to someone who has wronged you.

Living in the Audacity of God

The Gospel of Luke shows us a God who refuses to fit into our expectations. Jesus challenges our assumptions about wisdom, power, belonging, healing, and forgiveness. His audacity isn’t recklessness—it’s radical. The radical love of God in Jesus Christ calls us to live with that same audacity.

Maybe you’ve kept God at a distance because He think you don’t meet God’s expectations. Maybe you've wondered if you're too far gone for His grace. The good news? Jesus has a habit of showing up where we least expect Him, surprising us with mercy, challenging us to love wider, and calling us to a faith that shakes us to the core.

My hope for you, dear reader, is simple. Surrender to the audacious, life-changing grace of God in Jesus and watch how He will transform your life from the inside out.

Your Prayer: Lord, help me to embrace Your audacious love. Work in my life in ways that defy my expectations and grow my faith. Open my heart to Your unexpected ways and give me the courage to follow You wherever You lead. Amen. 
