Living a Life of Thanksgiving
November 10, 2022 | Wes Walker
As a young boy I can clearly remember our family Thanksgivings. I can close my eyes and almost smell the turkey baking in the kitchen, the sound of my mother making pumpkin and apple pies and me sneaking in for a quick peek only to be told to go...
Easy Ways to be a Good Neighbor
October 25, 2022 | Sarah Hobbs
The holiday season is coming and there are a lot of different ways we can love our neighbor this time of year! Being a good neighbor doesn’t take a lot of effort or money to accomplish. It just takes intentionality and a desire to be in...
What is Centering Prayer?
October 6, 2022 | Jeff Coleman
If I told you sitting quietly in God’s presence could change your life, would you believe me? Would your curiosity be piqued? Would you give it a try? When it comes to the problems in life most of us work them out by using logic, reasoning...
Devotionals to Strengthen Your Marriage
September 23, 2022 | Brian Butcher
One of the ways Church on the Hill desires to support our families is through the strengthening of marriages. Marriage has the potential to be this beautiful relationship where two become one, and God uses that relationship as one of the key ways...
What Makes a Good Neighbor?
August 15, 2022 | Sarah Hobbs
What does it mean to be a good neighbor? Scripture tells us, our neighbors aren’t just our physical next-door neighbors, but our neighbors are everyone. Being a good neighbor is more than just being kind and polite. It’s about...