Being Inbounds | How Community Encourages Us In Our Walk With God | COTH Blog | Church on the Hill

Being Inbounds | How Community Encourages Us In Our Walk With God

August 13, 2024 | Lyn Cantrell

Football is a game of "exact."  Plays have to be executed in the exact correct way to be successful. Sometimes the play is interrupted by the defense and sometimes it’s a miscue or bad throw. No matter what the interruption, it disrupts what is exactly planned to happen and there’s no gain. 

When the play begins the receiver takes off at lightning speed down the field, the QB watches for the exact right time and with a rocket arm throws the ball downfield - 60, 70, 80, maybe even 90 yards. The receiver, understanding his part, leaps to catch the ball.

With the ball securely in his hands he comes down, the crowd roars but then, there’s the dreaded flag. Officials say he stepped out of bounds. Sure enough when the replay is shown, one tiny part of his foot is seen in the white, out of bounds sideline. The whole play, no matter how sensational, means nothing. 

Stepping Out Of Bounds as a Christian 

We can find ourselves in the same position. We work at life to stand with both feet in God’s Kingdom. We do all the things, say all the things, read all things. But then a word, thought or action happens and we look down and one foot is standing with a tiny part out of bounds. All of the sudden, we’re in the enemy’s territory. We didn’t mean to. We knew the play and how to execute it well, but for one hot second we took our eye off the ball, and we came down out of bounds.

Then, a decision has to be made. Do we acknowledge it, apologize for it, work hard to not let it happen again? Or do we think, no big deal - it wasn’t my fault. This can be a difficult decision when you’re on your own.

No Gain with Adam and Eve 

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit and hid from God, He called out, "Where are you?" Not because God didn’t know, but because He wanted them to say it. He wanted them to acknowledge where they were standing. Were they inbounds or out? With Him or not? Because they didn’t execute the plan given to them by God, the gain didn’t happen. The chance to live in a perfect world was over. 

Keep Your Eye On the Ball 

Most times in football, when the play doesn’t work, there is another chance - either at the next play or the next possession. Rarely, however, is the same play tried again right away. The plan has to change. This play may work and a win can still happen. The players just have to work harder to make sure they are doing the right thing. They practice these plays over and over, but even the best players can at times take their eye off the ball.  

Cheering On One Another 

We, as followers of Christ, can also take our eye off the ball. This is why it is so important to find your people. God never intended for us to do life alone, and true fellowship in community encourages us in our walk with God. Being part of a group is like being part of a team!

Together, you encourage each other to read all the things, practice all the things, stay close to the Father, and overall continue being inbounds. When something happens and we come down out of bounds, it’s our people who encourage us, talk it through with us, and support us to try it again. They help us stay inbounds.

Community Can Help To Keep Us Inbounds 

New groups start the week of September 8. There are multiple expressions of groups on the Hill, including groups for men, women, couples, and co-ed. It is our hope that you will prayerfully consider choosing a group and finding your people.

Groups are a great way of being inbounds! You can register to join a group by clicking to Find your people and encourage one another to stay inbounds.
