Daily Habits For a Grounded Life | COTH Blog | Church on the Hill

Daily Habits For a Grounded Life

August 30, 2024 | Jeff Coleman

Why does life feel like it’s a never-ending race against the clock? Who authorized this level of craziness? We all feel it. And yet, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we all said, "Enough is enough!" and began to operate our daily lives in a different, more intentional, and even slower rhythm?

I know, you think that’s impossible, but is it? The book of Proverbs reminds us, "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" — Proverbs 3:6. This isn’t just about big, life-changing decisions; it's also about our everyday routines.

This is about how you structure your mornings, which informs your day and then builds your week; and enough of those will eventually shape your life and your family. When we incorporate habits that acknowledge and orient our being around the person of God, we find a path that leads us closer to Him, even amidst the rat race.

Here are four practical steps to help you stay grounded and grow spiritually, no matter how busy your schedule may be.

1. Start and/or End Your Day with Scripture and Prayer

Life hits us the moment we wake up, and even before our feet are on the floor, we're caught up in the whirlwind of daily tasks. What if, before looking at your phone, checking your social media feed, looking at emails or seeing what you missed in the messed up political arena of American politics (nothing will sour your day quicker than THAT one), you instead set aside the first moments of your day for being with God in Scripture and prayer?

When you do this, you are setting your spiritual anchor that will keep you moored to Jesus throughout the day. Even if it's just three, five or ten minutes, this intentional time allows you to center your heart on God before anything else.

The Psalms beautifully capture the importance of seeking God first: "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" – Psalm 5:3. A simple habit of reading a short passage, reflecting on it, and lifting up prayers for God’s direction sets a tone of our dependence on Him and invites His guidance into every aspect of your day.

Practical Tip:

Keep a Bible, a daily devotional app, or a prayer journal by your bed. Before diving into your day, pause, read, reflect, and pray. Let this be the spiritual breakfast that fuels your morning. Consider using the GPS as your guide. Sign up here by texting the keyword "GPS" to 678-324-4360. And when you do, you will then receive a daily scripture passage sent to you each day at 6AM.

2. Incorporate Mini Sabbaths Throughout Your Week

The concept of Sabbath rest isn’t just about one day of the week; it's about creating intentional pauses that allow us to reconnect with God. In our busyness, we often forget that rest is not a luxury—it's a necessity that God modeled from the very beginning (check out Genesis 2:2-3).

To stay grounded, consider incorporating "mini Sabbaths" into your routine. These are small breaks throughout your day or week where you intentionally step back, breathe, and refocus on God. These moments of recentering don’t have to be long or complicated.

It could be a quiet moment during your lunch break to meditate on a scripture, a few minutes in the evening to practice gratitude, or even a short walk where you unplug and just be present with God. I once served under an associate pastor who did this by going to the park near the church and eating his lunch there. He called it his, "island of sanity in a sea of crazy." Don’t knock it till you try it!

Practical Tip:

If it’s important you put it in your calendar so, schedule these mini-Sabbaths in your calendar as you would any important meeting. Treat them as sacred appointments with God where you rest, reflect, and recharge spiritually.

3. Cultivate Gratitude in the Everyday Moments

Gratitude is a powerful spiritual practice that shifts our focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant. The apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." A heart of gratitude keeps us grounded, reminding us of God’s faithfulness in every situation.

One practical way to cultivate gratitude is by ending your day with a gratitude review. Before bed, take a moment to reflect on your day and jot down three things you’re thankful for. It doesn’t have to be grand—it could be as simple as a kind word from a friend, the simple pleasures of life (running water and indoor plumbing come to mind), a meal shared with family, or the beauty of nature. Over time, this practice trains your mind to notice God’s blessings, even in the busyness.

Practical Tip:

Keep a gratitude journal on your nightstand, and every morning or evening, write down three things you’re thankful for. Let this practice be a gentle reminder of God’s presence in your everyday life. Move beyond the typical answers (i.e. my health, my family, job, etc.).

4. Stay Connected with Your Faith Community

God designed us to live in community, and staying connected with others who share your faith journey can be a tremendous source of encouragement and accountability. The writer of Hebrews urges us, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together… but encouraging one another" – Hebrews 10:24-25.

Whether it’s attending worship, joining a small group, or simply having a prayer partner, being part of a community helps keep you spiritually grounded. In these connections we find support, shared wisdom, and the reminder that we are not going through life alone.

Practical Tip:

Make it a priority to engage with your church community, even in small ways. Check out onthehill.life/grow/groups and jump into a Group (there’s still room), participate in a service project, or reach out to a friend for a coffee and prayer date. These connections can be lifelines that keep you grounded amidst the craziness of life.

Living The Good Life isn’t about having it all together; it's about anchoring your heart in God's presence, even when you’re up to your eyeballs in to do’s and deadlines. By starting your day with Scripture, creating moments of rest, cultivating gratitude, and staying connected with your faith community, you can build sustainable spiritual routines that promote spiritual growth and keep you grounded.

Remember, the path to a truly good (and godly) life begins with simple, intentional steps that draw you closer to God. As you implement these simple, sustainable, and accessible habits, you can find that your life becomes not just busy, but beautifully balanced and more deeply rooted in the love of God in Jesus Christ, and THAT’S the Good Life!
