What Women Need Most | COTH Blog | Church on the Hill

What Women Need Most

April 24, 2023 | Lyn Cantrell

2 minute read time

Springtime can mean spring cleaning, and a great place to begin is with YOU!  As women, we lead busy lives - all of us, no matter the age, no matter the life situation - we live busy lives, and it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves as well. 

As you think about healthy eating, exercise, and creating time for you to either refuel or unwind, don’t forget part of this regime is creating a space for you and Jesus. Give Jesus a time on your calendar and be intentional to meet Him then.  This time can be as full as watching or reading a Bible study, listening to a podcast, or reading a book, to as simple as just being quiet with Him.  This is one thing in your day that should never feel overwhelming, but instead, something you look forward to.  Like coffee with a friend, or a good book and a blanket. 

Here are are four ways to make time for Jesus:

1. Watch or read a Bible study. There are lots of great (free!) resources available through RightNow Media!
2. Listen to a podcast. There are a lot of great podcasts that can encourage you in your walk with Jesus... free of charge!
3. Read a book. Reading a book can help you slow your pace and rest in God's presence, while you learn more about Him.
4. Create a routine of quiet time. Quiet, restful moments create space for us to hear from God. 

Our faith journey was never intended to be done alone. Spending time with others is another perfect way to spend time with Jesus, and Women on the Hill is a good place to plug in. 

Join a women’s group or a Bible study! Or, grab a few friends and begin your own study! Living rooms, back porches, and poolside is a great way to connect and grow with others.  

For a more informal time, join us for The  Gathering at Cantina Loca.  This monthly meetup is open to all ladies for food and fellowship.

Need help connecting?  Please reach out at  .  I’m here to help!
