March 3, 2025
You Know You're Home When...
October 17, 2024 | Jeff Coleman
Have you ever been away from home for an extended period and then returned home? Doesn’t it feel good to walk back into your home? You drop your stuff, take a deep breath and give a sigh of relief and begin to relax. You made it!
Remember when you were younger, and you returned home to your parents? There’s something unmistakable about the feeling of being home. It’s not the walls, doors, and a roof—it’s about a sense of belonging, security, and connection. Whether it’s the familiar scent of a home-cooked meal, the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen, music playing in the background, or the peace that comes from knowing you’re in a place where you are truly accepted, home is where our heart finds rest. Home isn’t only a physical space; it’s also a state of being — emotionally, spiritually, and relationally.
Feeling at Home
Finding a church home is much the same. It’s a deep sense of comfort and belonging where your spirit feels at ease, your heart is encouraged, and you know you’ve found your people. At Church on the Hill, we believe the church is meant to be a home – a family – for those who are still searching for a place to belong.
Two questions I often ask folks are:
1. How did you hear about us?
2. What keeps you coming back?
The first question is relatively easy. Answers vary, but often I hear, “Our neighbors or friends invited us.” “We drive by every day.” “We searched online.” “Our kids go to school here.” And the answers go on.
The answer to the second question is more varied, but it begs a deeper and more thoughtful response. So, when it comes to finding a church family, you’ll know you’re home when...
1. You Feel Truly Welcomed
You know you’re home when you walk through the doors, and you’re greeted with a smile that feels more like a warm embrace. It’s more than the obligatory, “Good morning” someone says and then returns to a side conversation they were having before you interrupted (BTW – if that’s happened, OOPS! We’re sorry. We know better, but sometimes we mess up.).
At Church on the Hill, we strive to go beyond saying “hello”—we make it our mission to make people feel seen, known, loved, and part of the family from the moment they arrive. This genuine hospitality reflects God’s heart, showing that just as Jesus welcomed everyone who crossed His path, we are here to welcome you with open arms.
“On my first visit, a kind member guided me to the Chapel, and I immediately felt welcomed. I joined a Sunday School class, where I quickly felt at home, enjoying the deep scriptural teachings and the sense of community. The Traditional Service felt familiar, and I found comfort in the sermons and the realization that others like me had made similar transitions.”
2. You Find Community and Connection
You know you’re home when you no longer feel like a stranger in the crowd. Church on the Hill thrives on trying to build real relationships, where people aren’t just acquaintances but friends who do life together. Whether it’s through small groups, Bible studies, serving opportunities, or just connecting over coffee, there’s always a place for you to plug in and build meaningful relationships.
“Having been away from church for a long time, I didn’t know what to expect. But the people at Church on the Hill welcomed me like an old friend. We joined a small group where I could be ourselves. It’s been so refreshing to have people around who genuinely care and encourage me in my faith”
3. You Feel Spiritually Nourished
You know you’re home when the teaching resonates deeply, and worship feels like a conversation with God. At Church on the Hill, we work hard to anchor every message in Scripture and make it applicable for everyday life, helping you grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Our worship isn’t just about singing certain types of songs; or even a particular style of worship, but instead it’s a time to connect with God, reflect on His goodness, and feel the power of His presence.
4. You Experience God’s Love in Action
You know you’re home when the church isn’t just talking about God’s love but living it out. We believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus, extending kindness and care to one another and the community.
Whether it’s through local outreach, prayer ministry, counseling, hospital visitation, or just lending a helping hand, our church embodies the love of Christ in practical ways.
5. You Feel Like Part of a Bigger Story
You know you’re home when you’re not just a spectator but an active participant in a larger mission. It’s one thing to GO to church, but it’s quite another when you decide to BE the church.
Church on the Hill isn’t a place where we want you to come and hide, but a place to be known and loved. If, however, you want the anonymous church experience, it’s out there, but it’s not here on the Hill.
As a growing family of faith, we believe each person has a role to play. Whether you’re serving on a team, volunteering in the community, or simply encouraging others, you’re contributing to something far bigger than yourself.
6. You’re Embraced for Who You Are
You know you’re home when you can show up as you are, without pretense or the need to fit a mold. At Church on the Hill, diversity is celebrated, and everyone’s story is honored. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it, “We live in the most diverse county in the state of Georgia, and we want to look like our surrounding community.”
Just as the early church was a diverse collection of people bound together in Christ’s love, we strive to be a place where everyone—regardless of background, race, or life experience—feels welcomed and valued.
“We have attended churches where it felt like we needed to fit a certain mold, but at Church on the Hill, our differences were celebrated. We’ve found a place where our voices matter, our experiences are valued, and our children are growing up surrounded by love and acceptance. It truly feels like home.”
Olive Garden’s slogan, “When you are here, you are family” started in 1999 and ran until 2013, but it might be the best motto to describe our congregation. You know you’re home when your spirit feels at rest, your heart is full, and you’ve found a community that feels like family.
A Place to Worship, Grow, and Serve
As we continue to grow, we are here for those who haven’t found their place yet, for those who are searching, and for those who may feel like they’ve been on the outside looking in. We believe that every person has a unique part to play in the body of Christ, and our prayer is that Church on the Hill will be a place where people from all walks of life can come together to worship, grow, and serve.
Friends, God’s heart is big enough for everyone, and so is ours. If you’re looking for a place to belong, to grow in your faith, and to connect with others who are on the same journey, Church on the Hill is waiting to welcome you home.
So, who will you invite to come home?