Sermons | Church on the Hill
Follow the Leader
The Source of Our Strength
The Audacity of God
Piece of the Puzzle
Songs of Christmas
What Happens When...


For most Christians, following Jesus is often reduced to rules and regulations. What if there’s more? What if following Jesus was more about what you do than what you don’t do? Imagine what your life would look like if you truly learned how to follow the leader and do what Jesus did! 

Jesus’ invitation to his first-century audience was an invitation to both intimacy and action. Come and discover that truth for yourself this Lenten season on a journey through the “travel narrative” section in the book of Luke.

WARNING: Your life will never be the same if you Follow the Leader.

March 9, 2025

Proximity Versus Productivity

Are you feeling overwhelmed, constantly busy, and struggling to keep up? In this sermon, Follow the Leader, we explore Jesus’ invitation to a different way of living—one that prioritizes presence over productivity. Through the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10, discover how following Jesus isn’t just about doing more but about moving at His pace. Watch now and learn how to check your pace, change your posture, and experience true rest in Christ.

Church on the Hill welcomes Bishop John Pena Auta.

February 2, 2025

The Source of Our Strength

Feeling weary or overwhelmed by life’s challenges? In this powerful message from Isaiah 40:28-31, we’re reminded that God is our unshakable source of strength. No matter what you’re facing—personal struggles, uncertainties, or spiritual exhaustion—He renews those who put their hope in Him. Just like eagles soar above the storm, God lifts us up and carries us through. Don’t miss this encouraging word that will help you trust in His power and find rest in His presence. Watch now and be renewed!

“I can’t believe this!” “Did that really just happen?” “I'm at a loss for words.” “You have some nerve!” Statements like these reveal the shock and awe we have when we witness someone acting or speaking in ways that appear audacious. But what happens when that person is God? What do we say and how do we respond when the person being audacious is none other than Jesus of Nazareth?

Join us for a deep dive into the amazing world of the Gospel of Luke as we kick off the New Year with our first teaching series. Get ready to be shaken to the core by the audacious nature of God's plan to rescue us from darkness and set our hearts ablaze with a passion to spread His radical love. Buckle up because we're about to witness The Audacity of God!

March 2, 2025

The Mountain and the Mission

Have you ever had a mountaintop moment? Most of us have. Transfiguration Sunday is our mountaintop moment, where we glimpse the glory of Jesus before descending into the valley of Lent. Just as Peter longed to stay on the mountain, we often desire to remain in moments of spiritual high, yet Jesus calls us to move forward—toward Jerusalem, toward the cross. This message invites us to listen to Christ, follow Him in obedience, and embrace the journey of Lent as a path of transformation. As we walk the way of the cross, we remember that the radiance of the Transfiguration points us to the depth of Christ’s love revealed on the Cross.

February 23, 2025

The Aroma of Scandal; the Fragrance of Grace

When a sinful woman anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume, her bold act of love reveals that grace doesn’t just forgive—it restores and transforms. While the Pharisee sees her as unworthy, Jesus recognizes her as beloved, showing that no one is beyond God’s mercy. This message challenges us to see others not by their past but through the lens of God’s grace. Like the woman, we are called to carry the fragrance of Christ’s love into a world longing for redemption.

February 9, 2025

The Amazing Gift of Sabbath

Jesus radically redefines the Sabbath and invites us to see it not as a burden of rules, but as a treasure of rest and renewal. The Sabbath is God’s audacious invitation to stop, rest, delight, and worship. Discover how embracing the Sabbath by taking simple steps can bring freedom and joy into our overworked lives. Join us as we learn to trust God’s design for rest and reclaim the treasure hidden in the rhythm of Sabbath.

January 26, 2025

The Power to Walk Again

What happens when we truly expect God to move? Join us as Pastor Steve dives into Luke 5, revealing how our audacious God calls us to an audacious faith. This message will challenge the way we approach worship, reminding us of God's limitless power to heal, redeem, and restore—both in our lives and through us to others. Don't miss this invitation to expect the miraculous from a God who is always willing, always able, and always ready to meet you where you are.

January 19, 2025

Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day speeches are powerful. They set the tone for a leader’s agenda. When Jesus speaks in his hometown synagogue, he challenges expectations with a vision of God’s Kingdom that includes everyone. His words weren’t for a town long since deserted and left in ruins. They have inspired generations of followers to bold cling to the call of God and live with courage and faith. Today, it’s a reminder to care for the downtrodden, bring hope to the broken, and trust in God’s vision for our world. This is the Inauguration Day of the ministry of Jesus.

January 12, 2025

Radical Waters

Have you ever wondered why baptism is such a bold and transformative act of faith? Baptism is not merely a ritual act, but rather a powerful encounter with God’s audacious grace. Join us as we remember the moment when the heavens opened, the Spirit descended, and a voice declared, “You are my beloved.” Discover what it means to step into the radical waters of God’s grace so that we can live out God’s audacious grace.

January 5, 2025

Whose Kid is This?

Discover what it means to join the family business in this powerful message rooted in Luke 2:49. Journey with us as we explore Jesus’ first recorded words, spoken at just 12 years old, and their profound implications for our lives today. Learn how to find purpose by aligning with the work of the Father—bringing hope, healing, and restoration to the world. Be inspired to step into your unique calling and be part of something greater.

December 29, 2024

Piece of the Puzzle

Wondering what your purpose is in life? In this sermon, we dive into the stories of Simeon and Anna from Luke 2:29-32, showing how their faithful devotion to God led them to discover their unique roles in His divine plan. No matter where you are in life, God has a purpose for you. Join us as we explore how seeking God’s presence and staying faithful can reveal your role in His kingdom. Watch now and be encouraged to step into the purpose God has crafted for you!

The Christmas story, as told by Luke, is woven with song—from Jesus’ conception to his dedication at the temple, music accompanies every scene, infusing it with wonder. Each song reveals something different, something significant about the arrival of this miraculous Child. Jesus’s birth enables us to find hope in adversity, peace in the darkness, enduring love, and resilient joy.

December 22, 2024

Simeon's Song

What if the way you see the world isn’t just about your eyes but your heart and beliefs? This week, we dive into the story of Simeon, a man whose faith shaped his vision and whose hope allowed him to see salvation in the form of an infant. Join us as we explore how our beliefs can change the way we see everything around us, and discover how to hold onto faith in the tension of waiting. Come experience the wonder of Advent in a fresh way!

December 15, 2024

Angel's Song

Discover the true joy of Christmas in this inspiring message as we explore the angelic announcement in Luke 2:8–14. Amidst the distractions of holiday chaos and wrong narratives, we uncover the "Best Song of Christmas"—the good news of great joy for all people. Learn how Jesus’ humble birth brings lasting peace, hope, and joy to a weary world. This message will leave you encouraged and ready to embrace the true meaning of the season. Don't miss it!

December 8, 2024

Zechariah's Song

What are you waiting for in your life? Maybe it’s an answer, a change, or peace in the midst of uncertainty. In this message, Pastor Steve dives into Luke 1, sharing the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth—two people who experienced God’s faithfulness in their waiting. Their journey reminds us that God is always at work, His promises are fulfilled in perfect timing, and His peace is available to guide us. Discover how the Prince of Peace can bring hope to your story and how God is writing His song in your life.

December 1, 2024

Mary's Song

Mary’s song, the Magnificat, is a powerful proclamation of hope and transformation, revealing the heart of a God who sees, acts, and loves. Through her words, we are reminded that God is mindful of the overlooked, mighty for the powerless, and merciful to the imperfect. Mary’s song challenges us to magnify the Lord with our lives, carrying its message of joy and hope into a world longing for renewal.

November 24, 2024

What Happens When..

Have you ever wondered what it really means to live generously and how it connects to God’s purpose for your life? Pastor Jeff Coleman tackles this question with a fresh, guilt-free perspective in a message that’s both inspiring and practical. In this sermon, you’ll discover five ways giving transforms your life, brings joy to God, and makes a lasting impact in the world. Pastor Jeff keeps it real—no guilt, no pressure—just an honest look at how generosity reflects God’s heart and invites us into His incredible mission. If you’re looking for encouragement and a reminder of why the church matters, this is the sermon to watch. Come and see how generosity can unlock joy and purpose in your life!

March 9, 2025

Proximity Versus Productivity

March 2, 2025

The Mountain and the Mission

February 23, 2025

The Aroma of Scandal; the Fragrance of Grace

February 9, 2025

The Amazing Gift of Sabbath

February 2, 2025

The Source of Our Strength

January 26, 2025

The Power to Walk Again

January 19, 2025

Inauguration Day

January 12, 2025

Radical Waters

January 5, 2025

Whose Kid is This?

December 29, 2024

Piece of the Puzzle

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