Students | Church on the Hill

Student Ministry on the Hill

At Church on the Hill, we know that middle school and high school years are pivotal to the development of your children. In our Student Ministry, our goal is for students to continue developing their love for God and love for people, while helping them to apply it to their everyday lives. 

Join us each Sunday in the Youth Building for Students on the Hill. Middle School students meet from 10am-11am and High School students meet from 6-8pm.

If you have a question or want to connect, email Kaylee Andrews.

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Student Safety


You can have peace of mind that when our students come together to worship, grow, and serve they are in a safe environment.  During our weekly Youth Service there are trained safety team members on campus patrolling the grounds. Also, all of our youth leaders undergo a background check before being able to work with your student. The safety of our students is a priority. We want to cultivate an environment where they are safe to develop socially & spiritually with their peers.