October 24, 2021
October 24, 2021
In-person worship at 9:30 am and 11 am
Please RSVP to attend at:
Online live worship on Facebook at 11am
Available on YouTube by Noon on Wednesday
October 3 - November 14
Everyone has questions about God, the Bible, and life— and it’s ok to ask them. Starting Sunday October 3, we are beginning a new series called The God Questions that will explore answers to the biggest questions that people have about God. Is God real? Is the Bible true? Do all roads lead to heaven? If God is so good, why is there bad? Which is right: creation or evolution? What will heaven be like?
We have prayerfully connected with several people who have devoted their life’s work to answering some of these tough questions.
Life Group and Sunday School Classes are meeting both in-person and online. Interested in joining a class? Click here to request more info on available life groups.
Thanksgiving break is coming! During the week of Thanksgiving, our local kids have the entire week off which means no breakfast or lunch at school. As a result, we will be providing full boxes of food to include breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks for our kids to enjoy while school is out. We'd love to have you join our teams either packing or delivering the food into our community! Sign up under Thanksgiving Break boxes at https://onthehill.life/missions/local/
Middle and High School students are invited to come to Camp Glisson for the Fall Retreat Nov. 19th-21st! Our weekend in the north Georgia mountains will be filled with high and low ropes course activities, a giant swing, games, worship and more! Plus, for every friend your student invites, both they and their friend will receive 50% off of the $150 cost! Sign up now.
Check out the calendar for all of our updates.