Family Resolutions for the New Year | Next Gen Blog | Church on the Hill

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Family Resolutions for the New Year

December 17, 2023 | Kaylee Andrews

3-4 minute read time
What would you say if I told you, you could set new year resolutions for the whole family? Yes, the whole family! We often hear “new year, new me” when it hits midnight on New Years Eve. Everyone begins to set goals that they would like to achieve. For many it is fitness goals, a new job, better eating habits, and the list goes on. But what if we shifted our goals for the new year to a family decision? A family decision that invites Jesus into our circle and new goals we would like to achieve. Well, I am here to tell you that it is possible, and this new year could be the best yet for you and your family! 
1)    Quality Time as a family 
Quality time, what is it really? It is a time spent with a person or group of people where we truly dial in and give each other the love and attentiveness we all deserve. When it comes to a family, quality time is the secret ingredient. I believe as families it is easy to designate quality time to just special holidays, birthdays, and big milestones. Which is great, but what if we made quality time with our family a weekly thing? Call me old fashioned, but a good family dinner where everyone is sitting together is often overlooked. I get it, kids have sports, homework, rehearsals for plays and much more. So, pick one night out of the week and build off it. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a grand meal, pizza and laughs will do the trick! Maybe your family would love a game night or a good movie. You decide what works best for your family and set that new standard in the new year for quality time! 
2)    Invite Jesus into your family time!
Many parents know what it feels like to have to “get everyone out the door” on a Sunday morning so we can make it to church on time. Someone doesn’t like their outfit, and everyone must eat breakfast. As parents, you want nothing more than to have your children involved at church and to hear the word of God. There may just be a missing piece though. What if we invited Jesus into our family time? Maybe you designate those family dinners into a 5-minute devotion. Sometimes asking the good ole’ question, “Where have you see Jesus in your life lately?” can be the best ice breaker. Often in busy seasons of our lives, we only give Jesus the true attention he deserves on those hectic Sundays. Yet, as a family with a fresh new year around the corner you can change that! Talk with your children about Jesus at dinner, in the car, or anywhere that gives you a few minutes to dial in as a family with Jesus. 
3)    Set Family Goals 
Everyone in the family loves a little friendly challenge! This can be for the little ones and teenagers. Adapt to your environment and see what works best! Maybe you pick a small piece of scripture and give everyone two weeks to memorize it. Another option could be a good deed of the month to encourage one another to help others. What if the whole family volunteers together once a month?! Whatever it may be, a good family-centered goal is a great way to not only grow closer to God but also to each other. It is easy to set personal goals for ourselves, but there is something special about achieving a goal as a family unit! 
4)    Listen to each other in order to love each other better. 
In every family you come across there is a different family dynamic. You and your family are not like your neighbors or the family you may sit next to at church. It is very important to slow down and make sure everyone is heard. When you begin to set family goals for the new year, make sure everyone has a voice. You will be surprised at the smart ideas your youngest may have. Even the high schooler that doesn’t seem interested will have an input that may shock you! When each family member feels heard and loved, your goals will seem much easier to achieve. The same goes to you as a parent, let your child know why these new year resolutions are important. More times than not a child just wants to know why and how to make it happen. 
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” 
Know this, your family serves a great purpose for the kingdom of God. This new year just might be the push your family needs to achieve the goals you have in mind. Take it slow and one day at a time. Find what works for your family and remember, have fun while doing it! To find additional parenting resources, check out our Parent Resource Hub!
