Sermons | Church on the Hill
75th Anniversary Service
James: Faith Works
Grace Under Fire
Picture Perfect Family
Acts: the story continues


October 15, 2023

75th Anniversary Celebration

If you've ever wondered what the Christian life should look like, the half-brother of Jesus tells us a lot.

The book of James reminds us that a faith without action and life change is ultimately a dead faith. Join us for a practical series on the realities of a living faith in Jesus—the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty life that comes from an authentic relationship with the risen Lord. James writes to believers who know suffering, who've faced trials, and who ultimately still desire a deeper relationship with God.

November 19, 2023

James: The Final Chapter

November 12, 2023

James: To Judge, or not to Judge

Throughout James’ letter to the church, he pleads with Christians to make sure their beliefs and behavior are in alignment. Where there is not alignment, James believes there is an issue of the heart that needs to be addressed. James teaches us about judging others and paired with the teachings of Jesus, we can see a clear message from scripture: being judgmental chooses distance, but being compassionate chooses intimacy.

November 5, 2023

James: Week 6

October 29, 2023

James: Loose Lips...

Our words have the power to bring life or death, to build up or tear down others. James calls us to be mindful of how we use our words, ensuring they reflect our faith and the love of Jesus Christ to others.

October 22, 2023

James: Week 4

This week we dive back into the book of James, where he begins to unpack what real, saving faith ought to look like. Our faith can be living and active, or it can be stale or even dead. No one wants dead faith, yet we can find ourselves in that very disposition. So how do we know if our faith is truly alive? The answer: behavior demonstrates belief.

October 8, 2023

James: Mirror, Mirror

Followers of Jesus should both hear and act on the Word of God. We are called to listen to God, but also to respond when God speaks.

October 1, 2023

James: When and Not If

James inspires us to believe that trials and hardships are a natural part of life’s journey, and that God will use them as a catalyst for spiritual growth. Our task is to learn to navigate them with wisdom, faith, and humility believing that adversity calls us to go higher, to be greater, and to trust deeper for God’s glory.

If a tree is to be healthy and strong it must have good roots. The same is true for a believer in Jesus Christ. The same principles that go into planting, growing, pruning, and harvesting a great crop goes into developing strong spiritual roots, deeper character, and a love for God and our

Isn’t it time to get Rooted? Join this four-week journey as we discover God’s plan to transform us into the people, He wants us to be.

September 24, 2023

Rooted in Trust

Christians are managers, not owners of God’s resources. We are called to trust God in financial matters and as we grow in becoming faithful stewards we deepen our spiritual roots by trusting in the goodness of God who owns all things and makes all things available for us.

September 17, 2023

Rooted in Service

As Christians we have received the love of God as image-bearers of God. Through His love, we should be compelled to extend that love towards all people. Looking at the life of Jesus, you’ll see that love is defined as compassion that results in action. Compassion that is demonstrated in action is called service. We owe it to other people to love them through serving them and our service even roots us to the Lord. Even a small act of service can be a great act of love.

September 10, 2023

Rooted in Community

The Apostle Paul encourages the church in Rome toward authentic love, ethical conduct, and harmonious relationships, which deepen our roots and enable us to endure life’s trials. Being rooted in community, the church is enabled to stand resolute and navigate life’s storms, and support one another.

September 3, 2023

Rooted in Worship

God’s plan is our transformation, which is an inside-out process. This involves a church community collectively surrendering to God’s purpose and becoming a living sacrifice, by worshiping through focused attention and genuine affection. True worship encompasses all of life is not merely a one-day-a-week religious ritual, but must be infused with a genuine love for God and others.

Life brings seasons of testing and difficulty. These are often times that show us what is on the inside. But God’s grace is always with us and for us. It always sustains us and steadies us. When life gets hard, God refines us and helps us to see who we really are.

Daniel, the Old Testament prophet, is a case study for what it looks like to be in a season of
difficulty. Join us for this 4-week series in the Book of Daniel.

August 27, 2023

Grace Under Fire: Courage to Face Lions

God calls us to be people of righteous courage, even in the face of fear, uncertainty, and persecution. With faith in Jesus Christ, real courage will come from knowing that God loves us regardless of how scared we may be.

August 20, 2023

Grace Under Fire: The King Has Fallen

It’s a terrible thing when someone falls from grace. King Nebuchadnezzar makes the mistake of glorifying himself rather than God, and his kingdom is taken from him. Yet, through God’s grace, he humbles himself and is restored. In Daniel chapter 4, we see God’s grace empowers us to be humble. This is key because humility practiced is beautiful. Humility enforced is painful.

August 13, 2023

Grace Under Fire: Through the Fire

When 3 Jews come face to face with the King of Babylon, their faith is tested in the most intense way. In Daniel chapter 3, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego show us how the presence of God gives us the strength to withstand cultural and political pressure to worship other gods. Through their story, we learn that culture expects you to conform, while Jesus invites you to transform.

August 6, 2023

Grace Under Fire: God's Got This

The life of Daniel teaches us that despite difficult situations God is in control and that with that truth as our foundation, we can trust God. With faith in Christ, we are made to overcome difficulties and not collapse under their weight.

Summer is a time for family. For some, family time is fun and fulfilling. For others, thinking about family can be uncomfortable or even painful.

We all wish we had a picture-perfect family. But we all have stories that we'd rather not tell and some level of dysfunction. In the stories of Genesis, we discover God's chosen family had struggles, secrets, sibling rivalries, and even threats of murder. As we explore these rich and ancient stories, we see how God works in us and through us—despite family dysfunction—to bring about God’s perfect will for the world. The good news is that we can find hope for God’s presence and activity in our own families today.

July 30, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: Unmasked

July 23, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: Week 7

July 16, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: God is Faithful

July 9, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: A Reason to Live

July 2, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: How High a Price is too High a Price?

June 25, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: Week 3

June 18, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: Have You Given Up?

June 11, 2023

Picture Perfect Family: Now I Get It. Thanks

“You will be my witnesses.” These simple words of Jesus represent a big mission for the Church. The Book of Acts is a collection of small steps and true stories. It tells how the church continued the ministry of Christ into all the world through their faithful work. Each faithful witness in Acts is empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission of Jesus. These stories give us hope that we too may experience God’s presence as we continue the ministry and work of Jesus Christ. The story continues through us, His Church. 

June 4, 2023

Acts: Trinity Sunday

May 28, 2023

Acts: A Lesson In Evangelism

May 21, 2023

Acts: The Seeds Planted

Seeds are planted in us so we may grow and reflect the od who loves us.

May 14, 2023

Acts: Who Is Really Free?

May 7, 2023

Acts: No Perfect People Allowed

April 30, 2023

Acts: Just Another Day

April 23, 2023

Acts: Have I Got A Story For You!

April 16, 2023

Acts: If Necessary

August 4, 2024

Less Stuff, More Happiness

July 28, 2024

When God Loves Your Enemy

July 21, 2024

Jonah: Chapter 3

July 14, 2024

A Severe Mercy: In the Belly of the Fish

July 7, 2024

The Risk of Running

June 30, 2024

Disciples of the Next Generation

June 23, 2024

Walking in the Spirit

June 16, 2024

Gifts of The Holy Spirit

June 9, 2024

Greater Things Through the Spirit

June 2, 2024

Prayed For By The Spirit

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