Sermons | Church on the Hill

Church on the Hill welcomes Bishop John Pena Auta.

February 2, 2025

The Source of Our Strength

Feeling weary or overwhelmed by life’s challenges? In this powerful message from Isaiah 40:28-31, we’re reminded that God is our unshakable source of strength. No matter what you’re facing—personal struggles, uncertainties, or spiritual exhaustion—He renews those who put their hope in Him. Just like eagles soar above the storm, God lifts us up and carries us through. Don’t miss this encouraging word that will help you trust in His power and find rest in His presence. Watch now and be renewed!

January 26, 2025

The Power to Walk Again

What happens when we truly expect God to move? Join us as Pastor Steve dives into Luke 5, revealing how our audacious God calls us to an audacious faith. This message will challenge the way we approach worship, reminding us of God's limitless power to heal, redeem, and restore—both in our lives and through us to others. Don't miss this invitation to expect the miraculous from a God who is always willing, always able, and always ready to meet you where you are.

January 19, 2025

Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day speeches are powerful. They set the tone for a leader’s agenda. When Jesus speaks in his hometown synagogue, he challenges expectations with a vision of God’s Kingdom that includes everyone. His words weren’t for a town long since deserted and left in ruins. They have inspired generations of followers to bold cling to the call of God and live with courage and faith. Today, it’s a reminder to care for the downtrodden, bring hope to the broken, and trust in God’s vision for our world. This is the Inauguration Day of the ministry of Jesus.

January 12, 2025

Radical Waters

Have you ever wondered why baptism is such a bold and transformative act of faith? Baptism is not merely a ritual act, but rather a powerful encounter with God’s audacious grace. Join us as we remember the moment when the heavens opened, the Spirit descended, and a voice declared, “You are my beloved.” Discover what it means to step into the radical waters of God’s grace so that we can live out God’s audacious grace.

January 5, 2025

Whose Kid is This?

Discover what it means to join the family business in this powerful message rooted in Luke 2:49. Journey with us as we explore Jesus’ first recorded words, spoken at just 12 years old, and their profound implications for our lives today. Learn how to find purpose by aligning with the work of the Father—bringing hope, healing, and restoration to the world. Be inspired to step into your unique calling and be part of something greater.

December 29, 2024

Piece of the Puzzle

Wondering what your purpose is in life? In this sermon, we dive into the stories of Simeon and Anna from Luke 2:29-32, showing how their faithful devotion to God led them to discover their unique roles in His divine plan. No matter where you are in life, God has a purpose for you. Join us as we explore how seeking God’s presence and staying faithful can reveal your role in His kingdom. Watch now and be encouraged to step into the purpose God has crafted for you!

December 22, 2024

Simeon's Song

What if the way you see the world isn’t just about your eyes but your heart and beliefs? This week, we dive into the story of Simeon, a man whose faith shaped his vision and whose hope allowed him to see salvation in the form of an infant. Join us as we explore how our beliefs can change the way we see everything around us, and discover how to hold onto faith in the tension of waiting. Come experience the wonder of Advent in a fresh way!

December 15, 2024

Angel's Song

Discover the true joy of Christmas in this inspiring message as we explore the angelic announcement in Luke 2:8–14. Amidst the distractions of holiday chaos and wrong narratives, we uncover the "Best Song of Christmas"—the good news of great joy for all people. Learn how Jesus’ humble birth brings lasting peace, hope, and joy to a weary world. This message will leave you encouraged and ready to embrace the true meaning of the season. Don't miss it!

December 8, 2024

Zechariah's Song

What are you waiting for in your life? Maybe it’s an answer, a change, or peace in the midst of uncertainty. In this message, Pastor Steve dives into Luke 1, sharing the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth—two people who experienced God’s faithfulness in their waiting. Their journey reminds us that God is always at work, His promises are fulfilled in perfect timing, and His peace is available to guide us. Discover how the Prince of Peace can bring hope to your story and how God is writing His song in your life.

December 1, 2024

Mary's Song

Mary’s song, the Magnificat, is a powerful proclamation of hope and transformation, revealing the heart of a God who sees, acts, and loves. Through her words, we are reminded that God is mindful of the overlooked, mighty for the powerless, and merciful to the imperfect. Mary’s song challenges us to magnify the Lord with our lives, carrying its message of joy and hope into a world longing for renewal.

November 24, 2024

What Happens When..

Have you ever wondered what it really means to live generously and how it connects to God’s purpose for your life? Pastor Jeff Coleman tackles this question with a fresh, guilt-free perspective in a message that’s both inspiring and practical. In this sermon, you’ll discover five ways giving transforms your life, brings joy to God, and makes a lasting impact in the world. Pastor Jeff keeps it real—no guilt, no pressure—just an honest look at how generosity reflects God’s heart and invites us into His incredible mission. If you’re looking for encouragement and a reminder of why the church matters, this is the sermon to watch. Come and see how generosity can unlock joy and purpose in your life!

November 17, 2024

Hearing and Discerning the Voice of God

Have you ever struggled to hear God’s voice or wondered how to discern His guidance in your life? This week’s sermon, "Hearing God's Voice," explores how we can recognize and respond to God’s direction. Drawing from John 10:2-4, 14, 27, we’ll discover practical steps and timeless truths to tune out the noise of life and embrace a deeper relationship with the Good Shepherd. Join us as we learn how to give God our ear so we can have His heart!

November 10, 2024

Ephesians: Empowered to Stand

Discover how to stand firm in God’s truth and love amid life’s challenges. Drawing from Zechariah 8 and Ephesians 6, this message reminds us of God’s call to be a people of justice, peace, and unwavering faith. As part of His diverse family, we’re equipped with the armor of God to resist fear, temptation, and negativity. Learn how His strength empowers us to live with calm confidence and active faith.

November 3, 2024

Ephesians: Life in God's Family

God calls us to live with humility, gentleness, patience, and unity, thereby reflecting the grace of God to the world. As image bearers of Christ, we move beyond superficial divisions and preferences within the church, and now embrace the deeper calling to be one body united by God’s amazing grace. As a new race founded in Christ, our unity is found not in external similarities but in the shared love and peace of Jesus. When we embody these virtues, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we fulfill our calling to shine the light of Christ in a divided world, living as a people transformed by grace.

October 27, 2024

Ephesians: Servants of the Gospel

God's plan from the beginning was to unite Jews and Gentiles into one family, bound together by grace. Paul challenges us to embrace a life of humility, service, and radical unity. He reminds us that the church is meant to be a multicolored tapestry, displaying the richness of God's grace through its diversity. In a time when division and distraction threaten to pull us apart, Paul’s message calls us back to our true purpose—to be a living testament to the love of Jesus Christ. God’s love unites us beyond race, culture, and background, and calls us to live as one, rooted in prayer, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and compelled to serve others with the same grace we’ve received.

October 20, 2024

Ephesians: A Family of Peace

October 13, 2024

Ephesians: A New Race of Grace

October 6, 2024

Ephesians: A Revolutionary Idea

September 29, 2024

A Good Name

September 22, 2024

A Good Practice

We all suffer and go through hardships. What are the practices that sustain a good and godly life during tough times? The secret to getting through difficulties like what Job endured are cultivating deeply formed spiritual practices that enable a deeply formed spiritual life. Good and godly practices will anchor us to God and provide strength during life’s storms.

September 15, 2024

A Good Cause

September 8, 2024

A Good Community

The people we choose to surround ourselves with can either help us build a life of wisdom, peace, and integrity or lead us down a path of conflict and regret. Scripture challenges us to be intentional about our relationships, to seek out godly wisdom in others, and to invest in a community that reflects God’s love and grace. The foundation for a good – and godly – life is a good and godly community.

September 1, 2024

Less Worry, More Faith

August 25, 2024

Less Junk, More Health

Food is a good gift from God, intended to nourish and delight us. Yet, for many, it has become a source of struggle—dominated by cravings, compulsions, and the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting. We often believe that more willpower or the next diet will solve our problems. But what if food isn’t the enemy? What if the true solution to our dissatisfaction lies not in controlling our appetites, but in allowing Christ to fill the deepest hunger of our souls? Come, taste, and see that the Lord is good!

August 18, 2024

Less Distraction, More Presence

Our world is full of distractions. There are countless things that pull our attention away from where it truly needs to be. Jesus, on the other hand, calls us to keep our attention focused on one thing. He invites us to a different posture so that no matter where we are, who we’re with, or what is happening we can respond to his invitation and find the satisfaction that only He can truly provide.

August 11, 2024

Less Debt, More Freedom

If any area of our modern life gets twisted and misaligned to God’s will and God’s ways it might be our finances. When we follow the principles outlined in Scripture and learn the real purpose of money, however, and trust the guidance of God’s Word, we can experience a more joyful life aligned with God’s desires. Learn how to avoid the complexities and regrets of worldly financial practices by following God’s wisdom.

August 4, 2024

Less Stuff, More Happiness

True and lasting contentment in this life will never be found in the accumulation of material possessions. Jesus is calling us to embrace the idea of simplicity and finding our sense of contentment in Him so that we can be free from the enslavement to our things and thereby be free to serve others.

July 28, 2024

When God Loves Your Enemy

In Jonah chapter 4, God challenges us to examine our hearts. Are we, like Jonah, only loving and serving God when life is easy and trouble-free? Do we prioritize our comfort over the call of God to be His instrument of mercy to people who are different than ourselves? God " . . . is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love" and longs to forgive people. Do we? Will we?

July 21, 2024

Jonah: Chapter 3

In Jonah chapter 3, we see Jonah is finally ready to obey God’s command to go to Nineveh. And yet, once he arrives, his message makes it clear that his heart is not in the task given to him. Jonah still won’t show grace. Yet, God still moves in power through him, with the entire city responding to God’s message. Jonah 3 reminds us that God has grace for everyone from rebellious prophets like Jonah to ruthless pagans in Nineveh.

July 14, 2024

A Severe Mercy: In the Belly of the Fish

In Chapter 2 of the book of Jonah, we see Jonah’s cry for help while inside the belly of the great fish. His prayer to God shows faith in God, while also still lacking any humility for his sins. This week, we explore how God responds when we hit rock bottom, and how we can take the suffering we experience, whether it be self-inflicted circumstantial suffering, and still find God’s grace.

July 7, 2024

The Risk of Running

God has a calling on all our lives. The question isn’t is God calling me, but rather will I follow Him or will I run away and simply go through the motions of following God.

June 30, 2024

Disciples of the Next Generation

June 23, 2024

Walking in the Spirit

We are called to walk in the Spirit, but this can’t happen until we first have surrendered our life to the Spirit’s leading and control. Experiencing the “indwelling of the Holy Spirit” should not be an unusual or weird occurrence. Rather, the Spirit’s work in our life is about increasing the quality of holy love and deepening our own spiritual maturity. There is no need for our lives to run on empty if we are willing to yield control to God’s infilling presence.

June 16, 2024

Gifts of The Holy Spirit

Spiritual gifts are special Divine enablements given to individual Christians by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of serving God in the Church and the world.

June 9, 2024

Greater Things Through the Spirit

Jesus desires for us to do greater things than he did? Wait?! How can this be true? The church of Jesus Christ when empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will be able to do more collectively than Christ could’ve done individually. Today we examine two practical steps we can take to see this reality play out in our lives.

June 2, 2024

Prayed For By The Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our Advocate and Helper. Jesus said he would send us help and that He would never leave us. Thus, the Spirit of God is praying for us and is here to help us.

May 26, 2024

Empowered by the Spirit

If the Holy Spirit gives us power, what is it for? It may not be exactly what you think. The good news is that if you’ve encountered Jesus, you have a story to share. God will help each of us share how His story has changed our story. As we address the challenges in sharing our faith, we anchor ourselves with one key idea: we are all witnesses.

May 19, 2024

Encounter The Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. The Spirit isn’t a force, feeling, or reserved for those deemed to be “super saints.” The Spirit of God leads, guides, and teaches us as He lives within us. The Holy Spirit is what makes it possible for us to follow Christ and to live as his faithful followers. Our Triune God longs for us to encounter Him through the work and person of the Holy Spirit.

May 12, 2024

Jesus Is Greater: The Cross

The Cross of Jesus is provocative. What was once a means of capital punishment was used by God to radically restore the relationship between Creator and creation. We are not merely forgiven by the Cross of Christ, but also enabled to have intimacy with God and provoked to serve the world around us with Christ-like love.

May 5, 2024

Jesus is Greater: Week 5

Do you ever feel like you’re walking on eggshells with God? Sometimes, even when we know better, we still make choices that we know aren’t God’s intended best for our lives. We can often feel stuck in a cycle of sin, shame, repentance, repeat. But what if God wanted a different kind of relationship with us? As we continue our series, Jesus is Greater, we look at what Jesus did so we can get out of this shame cycle.

April 28, 2024

Jesus is Greater: Terms & Conditions

God’s Old Covenant had rules and sacrifices, but Jesus changed it all with a new promise, sealed by his sacrifice. This promise is about change and closeness with God. God’s forgiveness and love are the basis, not our actions, work, or effort. The New Covenant is not based on what we do but what God does for us. Our response is to trust and follow Christ.

April 21, 2024

Jesus is Greater: Week 3

The priests of Israel were the people meant to represent God to his people and the people to God. Yet, these priests fail to live up to their high calling again and again. Israel, and we, stood in need of a better representative, a better mediator so that we could live in right relationship with God. As we continue this series, we explore how Jesus is greater than the priesthood of Israel and how we now are called to be representatives of God to the world.

April 14, 2024

Jesus is Greater: Faithful Beyond Measure

Our society has seen a rise in the power of people being influencers. Everyone, however, can influence and yet, there is no greater influence in our world than the person of Jesus Christ. When we keep our focus on Christ and allow his influence to guide our lives, by His Spirit, we won’t find ourselves drifting away from His truth regardless of the circumstances we’re experiencing.

April 7, 2024

Jesus is Greater: Majesty

The book of Hebrews isn’t written to super saints, but to those who know the hardships of life. The writer tells us that Jesus is greater than any struggle or difficulty. Jesus is greater than any person or issue and that God has always been communicating with His people. The greater question is do we want to hear what the Lord is saying and will we follow Him when He calls.

March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday

If we are given a choice, we prefer things that are full over being empty. Full sounds positive; empty sounds negative. Empty implies want and need, whereas full suggests abundance and blessing. Yet, the emptiness of the tomb on the first Easter implies that Christ’s Resurrection is not for those who consider themselves “full,” but instead, for those who know they are “empty” and need to be filled.

March 24, 2024

Follow Me: Week 6

As Jesus enters into Jerusalem he’s given a king’s welcome. Crowds of people plead that the messiah would save them from Rome’s oppressive rule. Jesus has a different idea in mind, and shows us that Jesus is the king we need.

March 17, 2024

Follow Me: Week 5

Knowing that his time is short. Jesus urges his disciples to stay awake and to remain focused on those things that are most important. If we are going to follow Christ in today’s world we must keep watch and be vigilant as we wait for his return and continue serving him

March 10, 2024

Follow Me: Week 4

Jesus is giving us a final exam. It’s open book and you have all the questions. In so doing, Christ draws a distinction between our head knowledge and our heart knowledge. The essence of Christian faith is summarized with the call to love God and love our neighbor.

March 3, 2024

Follow Me: Week 3

Following Jesus Christ means that we are called to faithfully steward our everyday lives in such a way so that we reflect God’s goodness, grace, and greatness to a watching world. We are the living presence of God to those around us.

February 25, 2024

Follow Me: Week 2

In this sermon anchored in Mark 10:46-52, we explore the profound connection between Jesus' passion prediction, his servant-hearted mission, and the healing encounter with blind Bartimaeus.

January 2, 2022

You Are Cordially Invited

December 26, 2021

December 26, 2021

November 21, 2021

Living a Life of Thankfulness

November 14, 2021

The God Questions: Week 7 - What Happens When a Loved One Dies?

November 7, 2021

The God Questions: Week 6 - What Happens When I Die?

October 31, 2021

The God Questions: Week 5 - Which is Right: Creation or Evolution?

October 24, 2021

The God Questions: Week 4 - Is God Real?

October 17, 2021

The God Questions: Week 3-How can a Good God Allow Suffering?

October 10, 2021

The God Questions: Week 2 - Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?

October 3, 2021

The God Questions: Week 1-Is the Bible True?
